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The Online Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Siena Heights University
This Year’s Recipients Were Honored Oct. 15 During Homecoming Weekend
Outstanding Alumni Award
Angela Edward ’09
Jackson, Michigan
The recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Award is Angela Edward (class of 2009) of Jackson, Mich. Edward works as a social worker at Thome PACE, an organization that provides a variety of services to the elderly, allowing them to maintain independent lifestyles and stay out of retirement homes. She was also the 2020 winner of the Jackson Community Big Sister of the Year Award. The Outstanding Alumni Award recognizes outstanding professional achievements and/or volunteer contributions to promote Siena positively to the community, demonstrate strong leadership characteristics and serve as significant role models for others.
When I arrived on the Adrian campus more than 15 years ago, I had a plan.
At the time, Siena Heights was in a transitional stage, where it didn’t know where it wanted to go, and was struggling to find a new direction. With an inauguration message of “Be Bold. Think Higher,” we set out to change that. We focused on starting new academic and athletic programs, worked on making the Distance Learning Program stronger into a respected academic operation and aggressively hit the fundraising trail to upgrade the University’s facilities and infrastructure.
Fast forward to present, and the fruits of that plan are apparent. Our Adrian campus has undergone a remarkable transformation, with a vibrant residential student experience and first-class academic and athletic facilities at the forefront. And our Online Program is now one of the most respected in the country, and we have the U.S. News and World Report rankings to prove it.
“Rising Stars” is a regular feature in Reflections. It profiles Siena Heights alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years and who excel in their careers, occupations or community service accomplishments. To be considered for “Rising Stars” in an upcoming issue of Reflections, fill out the online form at Those who are selected to be included in an upcoming issue of the magazine will be contacted by the Reflections staff.
Renata Bush
Graduation year: 2012.
Current title/position: CEO, LPC, & School Counselor.
What Renata is doing: She currently works as a school counselor for the largest school district in Michigan, contracted by two counseling and psychiatry offices. She is the CEO and President of her own counseling agency in Oakland County (Mich.) and executive director of a 501c3 organization that assist hundreds of youth, families and other organizations in the tri-county area in metro Detroit.
My favorite moment/story while a student at Siena Heights was: “I love my professors and the family atmosphere shared with my colleagues! It was a wonderful experience! And I can’t go without mentioning my trip to Ireland with Dr. McDonald. I can do it all over again!”