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From the President:

Sister Peg Albert, OP, PhD, President
Sister Peg Albert, OP, PhD, President

What Is God Calling You To Do?

Warm greetings to all of you! The beginning of this traditional academic year held many blessings for us as a Catholic, Dominican University.

First of all, our chosen theme for this year is “Justice,” which comes forth from our Catholic, Dominican traditions. And how timely this theme is in relation to the visit of Pope Francis! Surrounded by all the excitement of his visit, he remains a simple, holy man. I was touched by his kindness, warm human gestures, his prayerfulness and his call for all of us to live our lives in a just way.

Justice calls us to take a look at our own lives and to see how we are positively or negatively affecting the common good of all God’s people. How does what I do affect how other people live? Am I concerned about the poor and the marginalized and the systems that keep people in those boxes, or do I move out of my own comfort zone to make a difference? This is a question all of us have to answer individually.

As president of this fine University, we also have a responsibility to educate and instill in our students a sense of social justice. We can do that through Catholic Social Teaching and our Dominican values.

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From the Editor:

Doug Goodnough, Reflections Editor
Doug Goodnough, Reflections Editor

Who Made a Difference in Your Life at SHU?
Let Them Know!

Even with social media and its sometimes-exasperating ability to instan-
taneously connect with people anytime, anywhere, at times it’s still difficult keeping in touch with friends and others who have impacted your life.

Today’s college students have the tremendous advantage of using social media to keep in touch with classmates regardless of geographical distance, especially after they graduate. That certainly wasn’t the case for us “old-timers” of the pre-Internet era.

Most of the time, unless it was something like a Homecoming or a random phone call, it was extremely challenging to keep tabs on the people you once saw on a daily basis and who were a huge part of your life during the college years.

Then Facebook hit, and it all changed. Suddenly, high school and college classmates roared back into the picture in excruciating detail, giving me more than I ever wanted to know about their lives, families, careers and sports fan tendencies. I felt like more like a bystander actually, watching lives passing by, occasionally virtually “waving” to them.

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