From the Alumni Office

Director of Alumni Relations
Hello Saint Alums and Friends:
Greetings from your Alumni Office and blessings to you during the upcoming holiday season. While I miss the hustle and bustle of a typical year of SHU in-person events, I am grateful that we have been able to keep in touch and offer some gatherings. It was wonderful to have many of you join us on campus for Homecoming in October. That fabulous #SaintsPride was and is alive and well. I know you will join me in thanking our Alumni Board and Saintly Supporters for volunteering to keep all events running smoothly. Mark your calendars for next year’s homecoming taking place on September 30-October 2, 2022.
Last year we were not able to host our annual dinner theatre event, but we are moving forward with plans to bring it back this spring! Mark your calendars for April 9, 2022 and make plans to join us for a delightful dinner and fabulous production of Big Fish. As you know, we have incredibly talented students and staff who put these productions together and with the recent updates to our facilities, it promises to be a truly magical night.