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Alumni Board & Saintly Supporters Gift Back at 100%

In addition to giving of their time and talent, 100% of your Alumni Board of Directors and Active Saintly Supporters have given back to Siena with their treasure within this last fiscal year. This dedicated group of Spirited Saints is working behind the scenes to spread #SaintsPride everywhere they go. Think you, or someone you know has what it takes to join our Alumni Board? Send an email to for more information.


Brandon Bowers ’13, President
Brandon Bowers ’13, President
Dory Bryant ’88, Immediate Past President
Dory Bryant ’88, Immediate Past President
Andy Switzer ’13, Vice President
Andy Switzer ’13, Vice President
Sara Chrenko ’05, ’12 MA, Secretary
Sara Chrenko ’05, ’12 MA, Secretary








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A Different Stage

Opera Star Leah Crocetto Returns to Siena to Teach in Musical Theater Program

By Doug Goodnough—
Special to the Daily Telegram

Last year, Leah Crocetto returned to her alma mater to share her voice gifts with a captive audience during a 100th anniversary benefit concert.

This year, she is returning to share her talents with Siena Heights University students. The internationally acclaimed soprano will teach voice lessons for SHU’s musical theater program during the 2020-21 academic year.

“Michael Yuen invited me to teach this year to help continue to grow the Theatre Siena program,” said Crocetto of SHU’s assistant professor of musical theater and dance. “I couldn’t be more excited to be teaching alongside one of my dearest friends! Michael and I have performed together many times, and I also happen to be his oldest daughter’s godmother, so this will be a joy. Michael called me on a whim in the winter and said he needed to hire another voice teacher because the program is growing so much, and asked if there would there be any way I’d consider taking the job. I thought about it for 5 minutes, and gave him a tentative ‘yes.’”

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SHU Top 10 Student-Athletes of the Decade

Reflections took a look back on the past 10 years and compiled the Top 10 student-athletes during that time. A very tough task indeed, but below are final choices. And make sure to check out the very impressive honorable mention list.

Richard DePalma
Richard DePalma
Doug Dawson
Doug Dawson

1. Doug Dawson—men’s soccer, men’s track and field:

Dawson was a dominant performer in two sports: an all-conference standout in soccer and a national champion and school record-holder on the track (400 meter run). He also was a standout in the classroom, earning multiple all-academic honors.

2. Richard DePalma—men’s track and field:

DePalma won a pole vault national title to lead the Saints to a fourth place finish at the NAIA Indoor Championships in 2016. He placed first with an effort of 16 feet, 8.75 inches, and the multiple All-American is the school record-holder in the event.

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