From the Editor:
![Doug Goodnough, Reflections Editor](wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Doug-Goodnough-1.jpg)
Small Things
I work with such creative people.
By nature, I guess we have to be. As the office that handles many marketing and publications projects for the University, we are asked to come up with all sorts of “fun stuff.” Posters, postcards, brochures, fliers, videos, photos—even logos and a bus wrap from time to time—are part of our day-to-day duties. And, of course, the magazine you are reading.
So when our new dean, Matt Draud, asked me about improving a rather drab entrance-way to the back entrance of the Science Building, my answer was “Sure, let’s see what we can come up with.”
Now, usually with such spaces that have large, concrete block walls, our solution is a graphic printed on either a large poster board or durable PVC (plastic). So when I asked one of my team members, Angie Sieler, to head the project, that was my suggestion.
Angie, who is a proud Siena Heights art program graduate, had something else in mind. How about a painted mural with some 3D signage? She would design it, then outline and eventually paint it.
Like the good stewards we are here at Siena Heights, my first question was “How much will this cost versus my suggestion?” She assured me this would actually be less expensive than my original idea.
“OK, go for it,” I told her. Boy, did she ever. That plain, gloomy entrance-way soon had a fresh coat of vibrant yellow paint, and she tapped into Siena’s history and mission to make that entry much more welcoming. And all for about $400. The next time you are on campus make sure to check it out.
So what’s my point?
Mother (now Saint) Teresa once said, “Do small things with great love.” At Siena Heights, there are “small things” like this happening all the time. It’s what we do best.
Thanks for a job well done, Angie. What small thing can you do with great love today?
Doug Goodnough