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The Online Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Siena Heights University
Rising Stars
“Rising Stars” is a regular feature in Reflections. It profiles Siena Heights alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years and who excel in their careers, occupations or community service accomplishments. To be considered for “Rising Stars” in an upcoming issue of Reflections, fill out the online form at Those who are selected to be included in an upcoming issue of the magazine will be contacted by the Reflections staff.
Larry Weeks
Graduation year: 2008, Adrian.
Current title/position: Chief of Police, Eaton Rapids, Mich.
What Larry is Doing: At the time he attended Siena Heights, he was the chief of Police for the City of Morenci. After graduation he added director of EMS to his title. He was a member and served as President of the Lenawee County
Police Chiefs Association, member and past president of the Morenci Kiwanis Club and delivery driver for Meals on Wheels. In 2013, he attended the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy at the bureau’s head-
quarters in Quantico, Va. In late 2013, he accepted a position as chief of Police for the City of Eaton Rapids.
My favorite moment/story while a student at Siena Heights was: “The assignment from World Religions class regarding research into religions, not my own. I met with individuals at a mosque in Ann Arbor and interviewed their community outreach person. It was extremely educational and enlightening.”
My favorite person at Siena Heights was: Judge Margaret Noe.
My ultimate goal in life is: “Great family, great job and lots of faith. I’m there.”
My best piece of advice for SHU students is: “Having attended SHU at a later stage in life, I would encourage others not to be afraid of returning to school late. Embrace the opportunities around you to grow and learn. It’s never too late.”
Polly McCalister
Graduation year: 2009 MA, Southfield.
Current title/position: Director, Cass Community Social Services, Detroit.
What Polly is doing: In June 2014, she was hired as a program manager at Cass Community Social Services, a non-profit organization in Detroit. In September 2014, she was promoted to director. She currently oversees homeless programs and encourages staff to assist participants in acquiring housing, health care and employment. She also provides leadership for the organization’s security, rotating shelter and HMIS teams. She is also a professor at Washtenaw Community College, where she educates adult learners on the philosophy of criminal justice ethics and its importance in the fields of law enforcement, judicial and corrections.
My favorite moment/story while a student at Siena Heights was:
“My presentation on the resurrection of the death penalty and the impact it had upon my classmates.”
My favorite person at Siena Heights was: Dr. Pat McDonald.
My ultimate goal in life: “To complete my doctorate in Ethical and Creative Leadership.”
My best piece of advice for SHU students is: “Education is the key to excellence and success. My advice would be to encourage a family member, friend or co-worker to enroll in SHU and watch their transformation.”
What Joe is Doing: After graduation, Joe took a position with C.H. Robinson Worldwide in its Chicago office and began his career as a logistics analyst and broker. During his career with C.H. Robinson, he was promoted to account manager. In 2012, he joined the Shafer Barber Winkler Group as a financial advisor associate in its Grosse Pointe, Mich., office. The Shafer Barber Winkler Group is a wealth management team with $500 million in assets under management. He has since obtained the designation of financial planning specialist and is recognized as a Top 30 Financial Advisor Associate among his national class at Morgan Stanley. Joe is also involved with the Ronald McDonald House of Detroit, and recently was named to its Board of Directors.
My favorite moment/story while a student at Siena Heights was:
“It’s difficult to pin it down to just one single moment, but my favorite series of moments stemmed from a conflict resolution class I took with Ms. Ann Lauderdale. I have implemented theories and strategies from class that have been pivotal in many points in my personal and professional life.”
My favorite person at Siena Heights was: Melissa Growden.
My ultimate goal in life: “Give more than I take and leave it better than how I found it.”
My best piece of advice for SHU students is: “Go to class, get to know your classmates and the faculty members around you. There are countless amounts of resources available that will make your days at Siena Heights more impactful. Take advantage of the close-knit class size and the willingness of your professors and leaders to assist in your search for success.”
John Lyman
Graduation year: 2011, Southfield.
Current title/position: Fire Chief, Waterford (Mich.) Fire Department.
What John is Doing: He is currently the fire chief for Waterford Regional Fire Department. He oversees the operations of the department for emergency responses, Hazmat and tech rescue teams, training division and mechanics. A member of the depart-
ment since 1988, he was named the Waterford Township Employee of the Year in 2005. The cancer survivor was a lieutenant when he graduated from SHU in 2011. He was promoted to captain in 2012, to deputy fire chief in 2014 and was named chief on April 29, 2015.
My favorite moment/story while a student at Siena Heights was: “My very first day I was very nervous coming back to school. I walked into the classroom, and there was a fire chief from a neighboring department. I knew right then and there that I was in the right place.”
My favorite person at Siena Heights was: Angela Pinkett. “She was very encouraging to me and told me I would be fine at SHU in my quest to complete my bachelor’s degree.”
My ultimate goal in life: “To make a positive impact on everyone who I come in contact with by showing the love of God to them.”
My best piece of advice for SHU students is: “Be prepared to work hard. Take it seriously as your learning experience is going to make you better. Carefully write papers and thoughtfully explain your point-of-view during discussions in class, whether online or in the classroom.”